Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Nathan!!

Nathan is my "bonus baby". No pregnancy, child birth, middle of the night feedings, or diaper changes for me-and that is a total bonus-but I am still lucky enough to participate in raising him. He is just like my own, he drives me crazy and I love him, all at the same time. We are all so glad that he is part of our family!

Some of the really cool things he can do-
Draws some awesome flames
Can do a front and back flip on the tramp
Brushes his teeth without being asked-I LOVE that!
Actually watches the babies, if asked
Loves to play football at recess and with his dad and brothers
Loves to play Zelda
Reigning guitar hero champ at our house
Knows all about music-who sings what songs and words to songs
Can quote Brian Reegan verbatim-and is actually pretty funny
He can just hang out and chill, which is a breath of fresh air around here
He is our oldest by 3 days and is a good big brother

Happy Birthday Dude!

1 comment:

David and Meredith said...

Happy Birthday Nathan!!!
What a funny, kind, well-behaved young man you are! Thanks for being such a good friend to Ethan! We hope you had a great birthday!