Monday, August 18, 2008

Messy Little Monsters

Lately I feel like I am fighting a losing battle when it comes to keeping my house clean. It feels like there is junk everywhere and all I do is move it around. The laundry remains my worst enemy, and is never done. I remember the days when I only had one kid and I mopped my floors everyday and I was always caught up on the laundry. I cling to those memories so I don't feel like a total loser when I can't remember the last time I actually cleaned my bathrooms. Addison and Jace do their best to try and keep things neat and tidy-thank goodness for that. Otherwise, we might have a real disaster on our hands. I put Addison down for a nap in the portacrib in Bradan's room the other day, because I did not want to risk her waking up Jace, who was sleeping in their room. She laid right down and I never heard a peep, but this is what I found when I went to get her up. Apparently she could reach the desk and a marker from her little baby cage, and decided to have some craft time before her nap. I love how she is trying to pretend she is upset about her artwork. She was not upset, but did let me know several times that she was "only supposed to draw on paper." She even drew on the bottoms of her feet, but not her clothes.

Then, about an hour later I was taking a poopy diaper to the outside garbage can when Jace decided he was hungry and pulled Addison's spaghetti Os off the table. I guess until I strike it rich and hire a maid, I just have to learn to embrace the fact that boring people have clean houses.

1 comment:

David and Meredith said...

If boring people have clean houses, I must be the most exciting person in the world! At least you can remember a time when your house was clean all the time. I've never been able to keep my house clean, and if I do, it's only for a couple days. Your house is always clean, but I know the damage a couple little ones are capable of.