Sunday, June 29, 2008

Blue Steel

For those of you that have seen Zoolander, Jace is giving me his best "Blue Steel" look. For those of you that haven't, Don't. I am embarassed to say that Jon thinks it is hilarious. My little baby is 10 months old. He has graduated from Baby Jace to Bubba Jace. This is not a KY thing, I never called any of my brothers bubba, and I didn't know anyone that did. But somewhere along the way Jace became Bubba. I literally could not get him to hold still for 10 seconds so I could take a picture. He is busy, busy busy! This month Jace had his first haircut. Jon cut all of his pretty curls off while I was at the dentist. So now he only has a short little afro. After Tate and Bradan left for KY I moved Jace's port-a-crib into Bradan's room, from our room. We were going to test out the-it is time to go to bed-no more rocking you for 30 minutes-you are going to have to cry thing. And low and behold he has started sleeping all night. Who knew, that he just wanted a little privacy. This is a MAJOR accomplishment, as some nights he was getting up 2 or 3 times to eat. I am not sure what we are going to do when Tate and Bradan come home? Maybe the garage?

1 comment:

David and Meredith said...

That face actually looks more like "magnum" than "blue steel". I'm not ashamed to say that I have seen Zoolander more than once and, like Jon, I find it hilarious! Jace looks so big, and I like the new do. You are a blogging fool! Way to stay on top of it!